About Resources

Title lX

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”) is a federal law that was passed to ensure students and staff, regardless of their sex, are treated equally and fairly. Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, which includes sexual harassment, in any of the education programs or activities of Alliance College-Ready Public Schools and all of its charter schools (“Alliance”). Specifically, Title IX provides that:

No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

Who is the Title IX Coordinator for Alliance?

Alliance has designated the following individuals as its Title IX Coordinators:

For Scholar Complaints, please contact:

Director, Scholar Services

5101 Santa Monica Blvd Ste 8, PMB 271, Los Angeles, CA 90029



For Employee Complaints, please contact:

Director, Employee Relations

5101 Santa Monica Blvd Ste 8, PMB 271, Los Angeles, CA 90029



How may I file a complaint of discrimination under Title IX?

You may file a complaint of discrimination on the basis of sex, including sexual harassment, by contacting Alliance’s Title IX Coordinator. A report of sexual harassment as defined under the Title IX regulations can be made to any Alliance official.

Otherwise, a discrimination complaint may be filed with the Office for Civil Rights:

San Francisco Office for Civil Rights

U.S. Department of Education

50 United Nations Plaza

Mail Box 1200, Room 1545

San Francisco, CA 94102

(415) 486-5555


United States Department of Education Office for Civil Rights Complaint Form

United States Department of Education Office for Civil Rights Complaint Assessment System

Is there a statute of limitations for filing an alleged incident of harassment or discrimination?

Consistent with Alliance’s Uniform Complaint Procedures Policy (“UCP”), a complaint alleging unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying must be filed no later than six (6) months from the date when the alleged unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying occurred or the complainant first obtained knowledge of it. The time for filing may be extended by Alliance for good cause upon written request from the complainant.

A report or complaint regarding sexual harassment as defined under the Title IX regulations is not subject to the six-month timeline in the UCP.

How are discrimination complaints investigated?

Complaints of sexual harassment filed with Alliance are investigated in accordance with Alliance’s Title IX Policy and Grievance Procedures. All other complaints of discrimination are investigated under the UCP.

For federal guidance on how complaints may be further pursued, please see the following link:

United States Department of Education Office for Civil Rights

United States Department of Education Office for Civil Rights Complaint Assessment System

Is there a statute of limitations for filing an alleged incident of harassment or discrimination?

Consistent with Alliance’s Uniform Complaint Procedures Policy (“UCP”), a complaint alleging unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying must be filed no later than six (6) months from the date when the alleged unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying occurred or the complainant first obtained knowledge of it.  The time for filing may be extended by Alliance for good cause upon written request from the complainant.

A report or complaint regarding sexual harassment as defined under the Title IX regulations is not subject to the six-month timeline in the UCP.

How are discrimination complaints investigated?

Complaints of sexual harassment filed with Alliance are investigated in accordance with Alliance’s Title IX Policy and Grievance Procedures. All other complaints of discrimination are investigated under the UCP.

For federal guidance on how complaints may be further pursued, please see the following link:

United States Department of Education Office for Civil Rights

Where can I get more information on the rights of a pupil and the public and the responsibilities of the public school under Title IX?

The following Internet resources are available to find more information regarding rights and responsibilities under Title IX:

California Department of Education Office of Equal Opportunity

United States Department of Education Office for Civil Rights

In addition, California law, like Title IX, prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex and affords individuals certain rights. You can access those rights here: Rights Afforded Under Education Code Section 221.8. Specifically, you have the right to (when applicable):

  • Fair and equitable treatment and you shall not be discriminated against based on your sex. 
  • Be provided with an equitable opportunity to participate in all academic extracurricular activities, including athletics. 
  • Inquire of the athletic director of your school as to the athletic opportunities offered by the school. 
  • Apply for athletic scholarships. 
  • Receive equitable treatment and benefits in the provision of all of the following: (i) equipment and supplies; (ii) scheduling of games and practices; (iii) transportation and daily allowances; (iv) access to tutoring; (v) coaching; (vi) locker rooms; (vii) practice and competitive facilities; (viii) medical and training facilities and services; and (ix) publicity. 
  • Have access to a gender equity coordinator to answer questions regarding gender equity laws.
  • Contact the State Department of Education and the California Interscholastic Federation to access information on gender equity laws. 
  • File a confidential discrimination complaint with the United States Office of Civil Rights or the State Department of Education if you believe you have been discriminated against or if you believe you have received unequal treatment on the basis of your sex. 
  • Pursue civil remedies if you have been discriminated against. 
  • Be protected against retaliation if you file a discrimination complaint.



School Profile

Current School Year Enrollment

Founded in 2014, Bloomfield continues to serve over 600 students in grades 9-12.


Alliance Margaret M. Bloomfield High School is a free public charter school authorized by the Los Angeles Unified School District and part of a network of independent public charter schools that provide world-class educational services to address the unique needs of each student.

Together the teachers and staff of Alliance Margaret M. Bloomfield High School are working with our community to create a safe and harmonious school that will prepare our students to realize their full potential.


The California School Dashboard provides parents and educators with meaningful information on school and district progress, view Bloomfield’s dashboard here.


Located in Huntington Park, southeast of downtown Los Angeles. Alliance Margaret M. Bloomfield High School is a high-performing alternative to the traditional public high schools, providing world-class education with highly qualified teachers. The area is primarily home to Mexican-American families, many of whom are recent immigrants to the United States. Alliance Bloomfield High School is located near Alliance Kory Hunter Middle School.

As of the 2019-20 school year, Bloomfield is made up of 94.1% Hispanic, 89.33% Free/Reduced Meal Program Participants, Special Education Population of 13%, and our English Language Learners consisted of 18% of our student population.

Charter Petition

Local School Wellness Policy

Education Protection Account 2020-21

Human Trafficking Flyer

Uniform Complaint Procedures

Conflict of Interest Training

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon graduation, Alliance Bloomfield High School students will…

Be College Ready

  • Reflect on and set ambitious but attainable goals
  • Persist through challenges and self-advocate
  • See risks as opportunities to fail forward
  • Initiates personal and professional fulfillment for lifelong

Communicate Effectively

  • Justify an argument using facts, evidence, and reasoning to support a claim
  • Express ideas through verbal, non-verbal, and written communication
  • Listen and ask questions to understand multiple perspectives
  • Use a variety of digital media to articulate a message

Think Critically

  • Analyze and evaluate complex texts
  • Develop and apply ideas to construct arguments and solve problems
  • Consider multiple perspectives

Navigate the World Responsibly

  • Behave with integrity
  • Make safe, legal, and ethical choices
  • Assume an active leadership role in the community

Al graduarse, los estudiantes de Alliance Bloomfield High School …

Estar listo para la universidad

  • Reflexiona y establece metas ambiciosas pero alcanzables.
  • Persistir a través de desafíos y autogestores.
  • Ver los riesgos como oportunidades para fracasar.
  • Inicia el cumplimiento personal y profesional para toda la vida.

Comunicarse efectivamente

  • Justifique un argumento utilizando hechos, evidencia y razonamiento para respaldar un reclamo
  • Expresar ideas a través de comunicación verbal, no verbal y escrita.
  • Escuchar y hacer preguntas para entender múltiples perspectivas.
  • Use una variedad de medios digitales para articular un mensaje

Piensa críticamente

  • Analizar y evaluar textos complejos.
  • Desarrollar y aplicar ideas para construir argumentos y resolver problemas.
  • Considerar perspectivas múltiples

Navega el mundo con responsabilidad

  • Comportarse con integridad
  • Hacer elecciones seguras, legales y éticas.
  • Asumir un rol de liderazgo activo en la comunidad.

School Budget

To access the school’s budget, which was voted on and passed by the school board, comprised of community members, parents and teachers, please download the PDF. As an independent, nonprofit, public charter school, 100% of state and federal education funds come directly to our school. As a school within the Alliance College-Ready Public Schools network, we have a contract with Alliance to provide our school with operational, financial, technology and human resources functions so that our school leaders and educators can dedicated the majority of their time to the education of our scholars. The fee for the Alliance services is 10% of our budget. With 90% of funds remaining at the discretion of our local school board, our school is afforded greater flexibility and control of our resources, in comparison to traditional public schools where school-based budgets are set at the district level.

Visitor’s Policy


Governing Board

Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan

Stakeholders can submit written comment on the plan until September 11. The Alliance Governing Board will hold a public hearing on the draft plan on September 10, followed by an approval vote on September 23.

Bloomfield 2021-22 Budget Summary

Other links