Alliance Piera BarbagliaShaheen Health Services Academy

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Attendance Policy » ATTENDANCE POLICY


When students are absent, they need to bring a note explaining their absence on the day they return.  Notes need to be written by their parents or legal guardians and include (1) student's name, (2) date of the absence, (3) reason for absence, and (4) parent/guardian signature.

Tardy Policy
The instructional day begins at 7:40 a.m. with the ringing of the warning bell. Students are expected to be in class ready to engage in the instructional program by 7:45 a.m. A student who does not meet this expectation is considered tardy and must obtain a tardy pass in order to be admitted to class.  A tardy may be excused only with written verification from a parent/guardian upon the students arrival at school or if a parent accompanies his/her child into the school building to sign him/her in with a valid excuse. Tardies to classes during the school day are also unacceptable, and those tardies will be noted on the student's attendance record. 

Closed Campus
HSA is a closed campus facility.  Students are to remain on campus from the moment they touch the side walk surrounding the school (the corner of 107th to the corner of 106th).  Students may not leave the campus during school hours without the expressed written consent of a parent or guardian in the form of a signature provided at the main office after the showing of proper identification.

For more information on HSA's attendance and tardy policies, please visit our HSA Parent/Student Handbook.